Tips For Cannonball Game In Wind Waker Cheats Windfall

The following is a list that explains how to find all of the normal treasure chartsand all of the special treasure chartsin the game. For the Triforce Charts, read theTriforceCharts and Shards page.

I got it my first try. What I typically do is just pick randomly in a row and then 2 4 spaces from that etc. The goal is to minimize the amount of 4 spaces that can be between your shots. After you receive the wind waker, show it to Tott on Windfall Island (the guy in front of the gravestone). Then, he'll show you the movements. With this song, you'll be able to change day to night and vice versa.

Treasure Charts

Windfall is Wind Waker's biggest town. In addition to shops, a coffee bar, and a lot of inhabitants, there are also quite a few sidequests to be had. Windfall Island: Activate the lighthouse windmill by changing the wind direction to north, stepping on the switch at the top of the ladder (in the rear), and shooting an arrow at the central torch. Talk to the man with the hat on the wooden windmill walkway (exit through the door on the second floor from the Battlesquid house). Cheats for Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker. There are eight different possible fairy encounters in Wind Waker - and each leaves you with a very helpful.

Treasure Chart #1

  • Where to Get the Chart: Forbidden Forest
  • Treasure: 200 Rupees, Private Oasis
  • How to Find the Chart: In the second room of the Forbidden Fortressdungeon, use the baba buds to reach the chest at the topof the room. Use the boomerang to kill the plant and openthe chest to get the treasure chart.

Treasure Chart #2

  • Where to Get the Chart: Windfall Island
  • Treasure: Piece of Heart, Rock Spire Isle
  • How to Find the Chart: Go up the staircase in the courtyardwhere the Killer Bees walk around. Go into the doorat the end of the hall. Give 20 skull necklaces toMaggie's father.

Treasure Chart #3

  • Where to Get the Chart: Forest Haven
  • Treasure: 200 Rupees, Eastern Fairy Island
  • How to Find the Chart: Go into the Forest Haven and usethe Baba Buds to get to a small branch near the top.Glide to the highest ledge and go outside. Face the island thatyou can see from here, change the wind direction, and glide down to the island. The chart is in a chest.

Treasure Chart #4

  • Where to Get the Chart: Rock Spire Isle
  • Treasure: Piece of Heart, Southern Fairy Island
  • How to Find the Chart: Buy this chart fromBeedle's shop ship near Rock Spire Isle. It costs 900rupees.

Treasure Chart #5

  • Where to Get the Chart: Wind Temple
  • Treasure: Piece of Heart, Thorned Fairy Island
  • How to Find the Chart: In the room with the hookshotledges, pull downall of the stone heads in the room, killing any bokoblinsthat pop out. After all of the enemies are gone, achest appears. It contains this chart.

Treasure Chart #6

  • Where to Get the Chart: Tower of the Gods
  • Treasure: 200 Rupees, Six-Eye Reef
  • How to Find the Chart: In the room where you find thecompass, hit the eye in the wall with an arrow. Open the chestto get this chart.

Treasure Chart #7

  • Where to Get the Chart: Windfall Island
  • Treasure: 200 Rupees, Star Island
  • How to Find the Chart: Win the battleship twice. The secondtime you win, you will receive this chart.

Treasure Chart #8

Tips for cannonball game in wind waker cheats windfall walkthrough
  • Where to Get the Chart: Horseshoe Island
  • Treasure: 200 Rupees, Western Fairy Island
  • How to Find the Chart: Play golf on Horseshoe Islanduntil you win and gain access to the hole at the end of thehorseshoe. Defeat the mothulas with the boomerang oryour weapon of choice. When they are gone, the chest containing this chart appears.

Treasure Chart #9

  • Where to Get the Chart: Crescent Moon Island
  • Treasure: 200 Rupees, Horseshoe Island
  • How to Find the Chart: Go into the submarine near CrescentMoon Island and defeat all of the miniblins to gain accessto the chest that contains this chart.

Treasure Chart #10

  • Where to Get the Chart: Crescent Moon Island
  • Treasure: 200 Rupees, Tingle Island
  • How to Find the Chart: The chest containing this chart isin plain sight on Crescent Moon Island.

Treasure Chart #11

  • Where to Get the Chart: Dragon Roost Cavern
  • Treasure: Piece of Heart, Crescent Moon Island
  • How to Find the Chart: After receiving the grappling hook,return to the first room of the Dragon Roost Caverndungeon. Kill the bokoblins and go through the doorbehind them, then go through the first door on the left.Use the grappling pole on the right to swing across to thechest containing this chart.

Treasure Chart #12

  • Where to Get the Chart: Earth Temple
  • Treasure: 200 Rupees, Five-Eye Reef
  • How to Find the Chart: In the room with the three coffins,shine light on each coffin one-by-one, defeating the stalfosthat come out. When they are gone, open the chest to receive this chart.

Treasure Chart #13

  • Where to Get the Chart: Two-Eye Reef
  • Treasure: Secret Cave Chart, Overlook Island
  • How to Find the Chart: You can get this chart afteryou have gone through the Forsaken Fortress the secondtime. Use your cannon to kill all of thelookout towers and warships, then use the Deku Leaf orthe Hookshot to reach the chest.

Treasure Chart #14

  • Where to Get the Chart: Headstone Island
  • Treasure: 200 Rupees, Tower of the Gods
  • How to Find the Chart: Find the submarine north of HeadstoneIsland. Kill the rats with your boomerang or arrows to gainaccess to this chart.

Treasure Chart #15

  • Where to Get the Chart: Forbidden Forest
  • Treasure: Piece of Heart, Angular Isles
  • How to Find the Chart: In the room with the hollowtree in the middle, drop a bomb into the hole of the treeto kill the spiky plant. Jump down into the hole to getthis chart.

Treasure Chart #16

  • Where to Get the Chart: Seven-Star Isles
  • Treasure: 200 Rupees, Shark Island
  • How to Find the Chart: Sail to the lookout towers near Seven-StarIsles and use your hookshot to get up to them. Kill all of thewizzrobes to reveal chests, one of which containsthis chart.

Treasure Chart #17

  • Where to Get the Chart: Spectacle Island
  • Treasure: 200 Rupees, Ice Ring Isle
  • How to Find the Chart: Go to Spectacle Island during the day andwin the cannonball game twice. The second time you win, you receivethis chart.

Treasure Chart #18

  • Where to Get the Chart: Windfall Island
  • Treasure: 1 Rupee, Windfall Island
  • How to Find the Chart: Go to the auction house at night and bid onthe treasure chart that has a very low starting bid.

Treasure Chart #19

  • Where to Get the Chart: Four-Eye Reef
  • Treasure: Island Hearts Chart, Flight Control Platform
  • How to Find the Chart: After you have completed the ForsakenFortress the second time, use your cannon here to kill the lookout towers and warships. Use the hookshot or deku leaf to reach thechest that appears.

Treasure Chart #20

  • Where to Get the Chart: Earth Temple
  • Treasure: Piece of Heart, Bomb Island
  • How to Find the Chart: There is a room that starts out filledwith fog. When you open the chest with the small key, the fog disappears.Kill all of the floormasters to make a chest appear thatcontains this chart.

Treasure Chart #21

  • Where to Get the Chart: Cyclops Reef
  • Treasure: Light Ring Chart, Cyclops Reef
  • How to Find the Chart: After completing the Forsaken Fortressthe second time, use your cannon here to kill all of thelookout towers and warships. Use the hookshot and deku leafto reach the chest.

Treasure Chart #22

  • Where to Get the Chart: Northern Fairy Island
  • Treasure: 200 Rupees, Spectacle Island
  • How to Find the Chart: Find the submarine northwest of thisisland. Go inside and use the ropes to swing to the dooron the other side, where you get this chart.

Treasure Chart #23

  • Where to Get the Chart: Windfall Island
  • Treasure: Piece of Heart, Diamond Steppe Island
  • How to Find the Chart: Play the battleship game and get a scoreof under 20.

Treasure Chart #24

  • Where to Get the Chart: Windfall Island
  • Treasure: 200 Rupees, Northern Fairy Island
  • How to Find the Chart: This requires the deluxe picto box.Talk to the gossiping ladies untilthey mention Lenzo and his 'mystery woman.' Go into the battleshipshop, go up the stairs, go through the door, and go into theferris wheel car around the corner. Turn to face Lenzo's shop,then make the wind go in that direction. Use the deku leaf to glideonto the balcony. Go through the door, then crawl into the hole.When you get to the end, go to the left and take a picture ofLenzo and the woman together. It doesn't matter if he turns tolook at you first. Go back to the gossiping ladies and givethem the pictograph to receive this chart.

Treasure Chart #25

  • Where to Get the Chart: Cliff Plateau Isles
  • Treasure: 200 Rupees, Forsaken Fortress
  • How to Find the Chart: Jump into the hole on the island.There are platforms in the water here. Walk onto the small ledge of one platform to jump to another. Make your wayacross and avoid the spiky vines. Kill the boko baba to turnit into a baba bud. Use it to get up to the platform. Jump acrossand burn the planks with a fire arrow. Glide over and go intothe sparkly light. The chest here contains the chart.

Treasure Chart #26

  • Where to Get the Chart: Six-Eye Reef
  • Treasure: Octo Chart, Northern Triangle Isle
  • How to Find the Chart: After completing the Forsaken Fortressthe second time, use your cannon here to kill the warships andlookout towers. Use the hookshot to get up onto the island anduse the deku leaf to glide down to the chart.

Treasure Chart #27

  • Where to Get the Chart: Private Oasis
  • Treasure: 200 Rupees, Star Belt Archipelago
  • How to Find the Chart: Go behind the house. You can hookshotthe tree on the ledge to reach the chart, or you can stand on therear fence and glide to the ledge with the deku leaf.

Treasure Chart #28

  • Where to Get the Chart: Horseshoe Island
  • Treasure: 200 Rupees, Needle Rock Island
  • How to Find the Chart: Play golf on the island until you have gotten the deku nut into the three holes. Use the deku leaf tofloat down to the chest that appeared.

Treasure Chart #29

  • Where to Get the Chart: Windfall Island
  • Treasure: 200 Rupees, Mother & Child Isles
  • How to Find the Chart: Go into the battleshipshop, go up the stairs, go through the door, and go into theferris wheel car around the corner. Turn to face Lenzo's shop,then make the wind go in that direction. Use the deku leaf to glideonto the balcony. Go through the door. The chest on the leftcontains this chart.

Treasure Chart #30

  • Where to Get the Chart: Tower of the Gods
  • Treasure: Piece of Heart, Pawprint Island
  • How to Find the Chart: In the room where you use statues toweigh down the platforms, break the cracked slab with a bomb.Stand on the swirly symbol on the floor and play the Wind's Requiem. Kill the armos knights and open the chest to getthis chart.

Treasure Chart #31

  • Where to Get the Chart: Windfall Island
  • Treasure: Piece of Heart, Forest Haven
  • How to Find the Chart: After you have the Deluxe PictoBox, go up the ladder to the left of the arch that is tothe left of Miss Marie's school. At night, look at the moon.If it isn't full, use the Song of Passing until it's a fullmoon. Take a picture, then go back to daytime. Talk tothe grumpy man on the stairs until he asks to see a picture,then show him the full moon picture to get this chart.

Treasure Chart #32

  • Where to Get the Chart: Three-Eye Reef
  • Treasure: Sea Hearts Chart, Boating Course
  • How to Find the Chart: After completing the ForsakenFortress for the second time, use your cannon to kill thelookout towers and warships. Then walk along the walland use the deku leaf to glide to the chest.

Treasure Chart #33

  • Where to Get the Chart: Windfall Island
  • Treasure: Piece of Heart, Five-Star Isles
  • How to Find the Chart: After getting the Deluxe PictoBox, go to the potion shop and talk to the woman standingoutside, then take her picture and show it to her toreceive this chart.

Treasure Chart #34

  • Where to Get the Chart: Great Sea
  • Treasure: 200 Rupees, Eastern Triangle Isle
  • How to Find the Chart: When sailing around, look fora narrow boat with divers on it. Talk to the lead diverto receive this chart.

Treasure Chart #35

  • Where to Get the Chart: Wind Temple
  • Treasure: 200 Rupees, Islet of Steel
  • How to Find the Chart: In the room with five cracked tiles,use your iron boots to break through all of them, then killall of the monsters that appear. Open the chest that appearsto receive this chart.

Treasure Chart #36

  • Where to Get the Chart: Ice Ring Isle
  • Treasure: 200 Rupees, Bird's Peak Rock
  • How to Find the Chart: After using a fire arrow to gainaccess to this island, walk along the outer ledge to find a frozen chest. Thaw it with a fire arrow to receive thechart.

Treasure Chart #37

  • Where to Get the Chart: Rock Spire Isle
  • Treasure: 200 Rupees, Fire Mountain
  • How to Find the Chart: Sail over to Rock Spire Isleand use the cannon to break the two large rocks on top of theisland. Jump across the path that the rocks were blocking,then go into the cave and light the two torches. Killall of the Keese and you will get the chart.

Treasure Chart #38

  • Where to Get the Chart: Windfall Island
  • Treasure: Piece of Heart, Three-Eye Reef
  • How to Find the Chart: Go to the auction house atnight and bid on this treasure chart to win it.There are two charts that you can win at the auction house. This chart will have a higher startingbid than the other one.

Treasure Chart #39

  • Where to Get the Chart: Dragon Roost Cavern
  • Treasure: 200 Rupees, Dragon Roost Island
  • How to Find the Chart: In a room with bokoblins hidingin jars, light the torch to reveal the chest that containsthis chart.

Treasure Chart #40

  • Where to Get the Chart: Southern Fairy Island
  • Treasure: 200 Rupees, Headstone Island
  • How to Find the Chart: Kill the cannons on the lookout towers,then climb up and glide over to the chests, one of whichcontains this chart.

Treasure Chart #41

  • Where to Get the Chart: Five-Eye Reef
  • Treasure: Great Fairy Chart (Four-Eye Reef)
  • How to Find the Chart: After completing the Forsaken Fortress the second time, kill the warships andcannons here, then use the deku leaf to float to thechest.

Triforce Charts

Read the TriforceCharts and Shards page for information on finding them.

Special Charts

Beedle's Chart

How to get it: Get the first wallet upgrade then check thepostbox.

Great Fairy Chart

How to get it: Use treasure chart #41 to find this chart atFour-Eye Reef.

Ghost Ship Chart

How to get it: Use the hookshot to reach Diamond Steppe Islandand go through the warp jar maze.

Tips for cannonball game in wind waker cheats windfall cheats

IN-credible Chart

How to get it: Check the postbox after completing the ForsakenFortress the second time. You have to have one of the walletupgrades and pay 201 to receive this chart.

Tips For Cannonball Game In Wind Waker Cheats Windfall Walkthrough

Island Hearts Chart

Tips For Cannonball Game In Wind Waker Cheats Windfall Cheats

How to get it: Use treasure chart #19 to find this chart atFlight Control Platform.

Tips For Cannonball Game In Wind Waker Cheats Windfall Game

Light Ring Chart

How to get it: Use treasure chart #21 to find this chartat Cyclops Reef.

Octo Chart

How to get it: Use treasure chart #26 to find this chartat Northern Triangle Isle.

Platform Chart

How to get it: Go to Flight Control Platform and defeat themonsters in the submarine.

Sea Hearts Chart

How to get it: Use treasure chart #32 to find this chartat the Boating Course.

Secret Cave Chart

How to get it: Use treasure chart #13 to find this chart atOverlook Island.

Submarine Chart

Tips For Cannonball Game In Wind Waker Cheats Windfall Rom

How to get it: Go to the back side of the Boating Course island and hookshotthe wooden post, then drop into the hole. Get the miniblins outof the way and boomerang the three switches. You don't haveto hit all three at once.

Tingle's Chart

How to get it: Release Tingle from the jail in Windfall Islandnear the gravestone where the disco man dances all day and night.The switch to open the jail cell is behind the barrels.