Monument Valley Game Cheats Level 5

Monument Valley tips, hints, and cheats. The following guide is a complete walkthrough of the final four levels of Forgotten Shores. For those that either haven't tried getting through the levels on your own yet, or don't want a complete walkthrough, be sure to check out our Monument Valley tips, hints, and cheats first!

Chapter IX: The Descent is the ninth level of Monument Valley. This chapter reveals the backstory behind the monuments that takes place before the first chapter. The level begins in the ocean during a storm. Ida is standing on a bare rocky island with nothing except for a red flower. When Ida walks next to it, she will pick it up and put it in her pocket. After this, the water level lowers. This is a quick list of all the Monument Valley step-by-step walkthrough guides for easy access. Please let me know if you have any trouble with the screenshots, if they’re not big enough. I kept them smaller for fast loading. Note: There are now videos for every level! Chapters 1 & 2 (I & II) Walkthrough. Chapter 3 (III) Walkthrough.

A fascinating little indie puzzle game with M.C. Escher inspired designs, Monument Valley is beautifully complex. That is why we considered a Monument Valley walkthrough was in order. Below you will find the Monument Valley guide. You’ll be given a list of steps and tips that will help you to navigate through the game.

Monument Valley: Top 10 tips, hints, and cheats; If you're stuck on a particular level, continue on for a detailed walkthrough on the first four chapters. Appendix i: The Chasm. Start by walking Ida down to the first door. The stairway will fall apart before you reach it and drop you off onto a lower level. Hope you enjoyed this video. Make sure to LIKE, COMMENT & SUBSCRIBE!Don't forget to turn on Notifications to receive all community messages.

Monument Valley has no inventory, nor does it have any bonus levels or Easter Eggs. This game is simply you and your deductive reasoning against some challenging puzzles. Monument Valley is available for iOS and Android.

Monument Valley Walkthrough Chapter 1 – Tutorial

In this introductory level , you have to guide Princess Ida to the patterned platform at the top of the stairway to finish the level. Rotate the middle beam so it connects the two platforms and walk across and up the stairs to the finishing point.

Monument Valley Walkthrough Chapter 2 – The Garden

Rotate the center beam until it lines up, giving you a pathway to walk down the stairs to the button in the lower left. Return to the starting position.

A new platform with a button will rise up. Rotate the center beam to complete the path to the new button. Continue to rotate until you make yourself a path to the finishing point.

Monument Valley Walkthrough Chapter 3 – Hidden Temple

Bring the platform back toward you and climb the ladder. Move that platform to the other side of the screen. Repeat with the one above you. Climb the ladder and then walk through the door to the upper level.

Lower the platform down to your level. Stand on it and raise yourself up to hit the button. The towers will rotate, forming a platform for you to walk across and go through the door. Climb the ladder and speak with the Spirit at the top. A new level will rise up around you.

Climb the three ladders to get on the level with the divided platform. Moving the tower with three circular ports raises a one block wide platform. See the best place to stand and then raise it up to the next level and climb all the ladders.

You’ll see another platform with circular ports on it. Raise yourself up until it connects, then walk close to the button and raise up to that level. When you push the button, the tiny wall ahead of you turns into a stairway to the level completion.

Monument Valley Walkthrough Chapter 4 – Water Palace

Rotate the stairway and climb to the top. Rotate the center platform to give you a place to stand, then rotate to access the button.

Go back onto the center platform and rotate around until you gain access to the fallen pillar. Continue rotating the platform until you have walking access to the doorway and enter it.

Continue and hit the button which causes the platform to rotate. Make your way through the path until you approach the center button.

Bring the platform under the button to you and continue upon your way to hit the button, which will rotate the platform you’re standing on. Rotate the entire castle until you see the waterfall.

Walk down the path to the end, then rotate the castle until the path connects. Rotate back to the waterfall view and climb the stairs. Rotate the castle around and exit the doorway. Climb the ladder to your right and follow the path to the button.

Walk to the white circle. Step onto the pink section and rotate it back so you’re facing up. Walk up this wall to the L intersection. Rotate the middle platform and step onto it.

Rotate it back to form an L with the stairway. Keep rotating until the doorway appears at the bottom of the stairs. Enter talk to the Spirit. Exit the door.

Line up the middle platform to create a straight path. Exit the doorway on your right and walk across and up the stairs to complete the level.

Monument Valley Walkthrough Chapter 5 – The Spire

Work your way around the patrolling crows to the button. Make a stairway to the upper level and turn it back to trap the crow. Rotate the lever to make a stairway up toward the canopy. Go down to the button.

Head back up the ladder and climb the newly formed ladder. Rotate the platform to trap the crow on the underside and hit the button. Rotate the platform until a staircase is lined up on the right.

Go back toward the starting point and rotate the lever to trap the crow on the other side. Coax the crow toward you and then raise the different looking and lower it when the crow enters. Continue across into the door.

Keeping an eye on the crows, make your way up the ladders to the door and enter it. In the new area, spin the lever while the crow is patrolling to trap him and spin it back to form a path to the doorway.

Rotate the path until the crow walks up the wall. Then lower it down to enter the doorway.

Keep rotating the castle as you advance to make the platforms line up. Climb the final ladders and rotate to reach the finish of the level.

Monument Valley Walkthrough Chapter 6 – The Labyrinth

Lower the platform to form a staircase and climb up. A yellow totem will rise underneath you. You can move it, so go all the way to the right to enter a new area.

Move the totem to hit the two buttons. Go to the opposite end to the stairs, and then send the totem back. Walk down the stairway and hit the button.

Move the totem before stepping off the button. Climb the ladder and bring the totem over. Go to the end of the path and hit the button. Move the totem to the other button while Ida remains in place.

Bring the totem back toward Ida and walk to the door. Bring the totem over to hit the side button to move to a new area.

Move the totem to the button, then to the wall and then rotate the lever so stairs are formed. Climb them to the button. Go back toward the stairs and rotate them to stand on the totem.

Move to the other button, then back to the bottom of the stairway and rotate so the totem is on top. Move to the button and bring Ida to the opposite button to go to a new area.

Rotate the center platform and move the totem to the left. Rotate the platform and get on to the totem. Go to the opposite end and hit the button. Move the totem to the rotating platform and rotate it to make a path.

Lower the front platform and step on with Ida. Lower it again for the totem and stand on it before raising it up to reach the door and the end of the level.

Monument Valley Walkthrough Chapter 7 – The Rookery

Rotate the platforms to guide the patrolling crow toward the button that will spin a platform. Move Ida around the path and rotate the platform to form a walkway to the bottom of the long staircase that leads to a door.

Wait for the patrolling crow to rotate the grey platform and climb on and get rotated 180 degrees. Move the upper platform with the crow so he hits the other button. Wait for him to line up the platforms and hit the button.

Wait for the crow to line up the grey platform to the door on the right. Hit the button to lower the chained platform.

Go up the stairs and enter the door. Exit the door and enter the one around the corner to a new area. Talk to the Spirit and exit for a new area.

Constantly rotate to castle to make the platforms line up and head to the button. A staircase will unfold from the top. Line up with the staircase and climb to the end of the level.

Monument Valley Walkthrough Chapter 8 – The Box

Raise the box from the right and use the right platform to trap the crow. Lower the box and lift the lid. Guide Ida to the button and then the door.

Lower the lid and raise the box from the left. Wait for the crow to hit the button to rotate the platform. Hit the button and then enter the door you started from.

Lower the box and raise the lid for the blue path and enter the left door. Lower the lid and lift it for the yellow path. Guide Ida up and around to the door on the floor and then the button.

Close the lid and swivel the left panel. Turn the spinner to drop the two panels. Raise the side with pink and yellow lights and spin that lever.

Spin the lever to the right and hit the succession of buttons. Enter the door and continue to the button, then up the stairs for more buttons.

Walk up the curve to the button, then through the door to the button to close the box and complete the level.

Monument Valley Walkthrough Chapter 9 – The Descent

Pick up the red object and then begin to work your way down the stairs. Turn the lever to raise a ladder by the far canopy. Climb the ladder to hit the button.

Go back down to the right. Raise the ladder to the edge and climb down. Go to the next ladder and rotate the lever to bring it down to your level. Climb down and turn the dial to raise the totem.

Pull the handle on the wall and make your way down to the button. Continue adjusting to get to the hole at the bottom.

Go down the ramps and hit the buttons to keep heading down. Turn the lever and down to the elevator. Cross the platform and climb down the ladder. Talk to the Spirit.

Move slowly to lower the different sections of stairs to the bottom and finish the level.

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Monument Valley Walkthrough Chapter 10 – Observatory

Stand on the blue platform and rotate it to walk sideways to the pink one. Rotate to get into the door ahead of you. Walk up the wall and rotate the platform to create the white path all the way around and down to the door at the bottom of the screen.

Move the grey platform to the left and head to the right into the door. Rotate to hit the button and then back through the door.

Get to the pink piece and rotate so you can go around the crow to the blue piece. Rotate the blue piece, walk around the side to the pink piece, then rotate to go through the door.

Constantly rotate the object and work your way through the doors and up levels until you hit the center button and then go through the door.

Walk to the pink piece and then rotate to the next one. Rotate to the inside and move to the blue piece. Rotate to bring Ida to the inside and walk through the door.

Keep constantly rotating the large orange object as you advance, heading toward the button in the center and then through the door. Walk down to the side piece and rotate to the outside. Move to the blue piece and rotate so you’re on the top and finish the level.

Final Advice

This walkthrough will provide you with the steps you need to advance through Monument Valley and all of its puzzles. Though the game goes quickly, don’t forget to take the time to enjoy the beauty of the game.

Please feel free to share your experiences with other users and offer any advice that you can give.

Monument Valley 2 is posing you serious problems? That is why we have put together this complete Monument Valley 2 walkthrough. Here we will give you instructions on how to make your way through the challenging puzzles Ro and her child will face. Monument Valley 2 is available for iOS only, but a version for Android is currently under development.

Much like its predecessor, Monument Valley 2 has no bonus levels or inventory, as you rely solely on your problem-solving ability to make your way through the levels.

Monument Valley 2 Walkthrough Chapter 1 & Chapter 2

The first chapter is a simple tutorial to get you used to the controls. Turn the crank to rotate the platform. Go up the stairs to finish the level.

In chapter two, Ro will now be joined by her child. Click on the button. Turn the crank and rotate the platform to complete the walkway. Go all the way to the end and rotate again to cross the walkway to the button.

Go back and around then rotate the platform to cross and click the button. Climb down and go up the stairs. Rotate the walkway to make your way across to the door.

Go to the end and rotate the platform to continue. Go all the way to the end and rotate it to get to the button. Rotate once again and climb down the ladder to the button.

Monument Valley Level 4 Walkthrough

Go down the stairs and enter the tall door. Make your way to the button at the top of the stairs. Talk to the Spirit and go to the center of the platform to end the level.

Monument Valley 2 Walkthrough Chapter 3

Climb the stairs toward the white platform. Move it across the gap and enter the door. Adjust the white platforms to enter the door on the left. Use the white platform to head to the stairs when disaster strikes.

Use the platform ahead of you to wall walk around and up the stairs but don’t enter the door. Bring the maroon platform across and hit the button. Your child will join you again. Go back and enter the door.

Take the pink platform to the middle, then raise it to the top. Climb the curve to get on the side of it. Go back down to the middle and head around to the button. Climb the stairs to the next button, then up again to complete the level.

Monument Valley 2 Walkthrough Chapter 4

Climb a series of ladders and lower the block stairs to form a path. Raise the stairs and send Ro to the right button and her child to the left button. Climb the stairs and enter the doors.

Rotate the platform to line it up and walk around to talk to the Spirit. Use the white platforms to bring Ro over to the end and send her child to hit the button.

Walk to the far button first. Send Ro through the door and hit the first button you passed with her child. Send the child to the center platform and rotate it. Hit the button with Ro, then the other button with the child and enter the doors.

Monument Valley Game Cheats Level 52

Rotate the bottom platform and climb the stairs to the button. Do the same with the top platform and raise the child up and hit both buttons simultaneously. Rotate the platforms and enter the respective doors. Stand on the button and rotate the center structure for the child to make its way up to Ro and end the level.

Monument Valley 2 Walkthrough Chapter 5

Climb down the stairs. Lower the pink base of the level and rotate it. Bring it back up to form a ledge. Lower and rotate again to enter the blue door. Rotate the child’s island to enter the door and stand on the button above Ro.

Go back and rotate that same island and enter the yellow door. Hit the button and rotate the bottom to bring the platform above Ro close to the pink door. Enter the pink door and then around to the other door.

Lower and adjust the base to have the child hit the button and then climb the ladder. Lower and adjust the base to make a path into the door. Rotate the bottom pink castle to bring the child around to the blue button.

Enter the door and rotate around until you get up to the pink button. Rotate around to the door on the left and hit the yellow button. Go back through the door and rotate the blue structure to get to the right door. Adjust the structure and talk to the Spirit.

Climb down to the blue button. Lower and raise the base to hit the pink button. Lower and raise it again and climb back up to end the level.

Monument Valley 2 Walkthrough Chapter 6 & Chapter 7

Since chapter six is very short, we will combine it and chapter seven into one section. To get through chapter six, work your way down to the boat and brace for an emotional cut scene. That is all.

At the start of chapter seven, climb the stairs and rotate the dark platform to stairs. Climb them, rotate the dark platform to make a bridge. Climb down the ladder and head for the dark platform with the crank.

Rotate it to cross to the far button, then rotate it to head back to the button you passed. Rotate it to cross and climb the large staircase to the door. Climb the ladder and adjust the board to head to the door on the left. Adjust this board and talk to the Spirit.

Climb the stairs and adjust the board to enter the top door. Adjust this board to make your way to the door and up to the door in the dark section. Raise and lower the dark sections to hit the left button first then the right button. Continue to adjust the dark sections to work your way up to end the level.

Monument Valley Game Cheats

Monument Valley 2 Walkthrough Chapter 8

Stand on the button on the left then head to the door on the right. Walk forward and use the totem to move down and make a path from it to the platform.

Go down the stairs and move the totem behind you and enter the door. Move the totem to the button. Use the totem to get to the left button then send it to the right button. Rotate the totem on the blue platform to make a bridge, then get on top of it to get to the yellow button.

Send the totem to the middle and raise the structure. Climb the stairs to the door. Climb the stairs and use the totem to cross the gap. Send the totem to the middle and raise the structure. Walk across to the button.

Walk onto the side of the totem and go across to the button and enter the door. Head to the button, move the totem to the button on its platform and enter the door that appears on it to end the level.

Monument Valley 2 Walkthrough Chapter 9

Climb over to the door. Rotate the light structure to get to the door. Climb up the ladder and send your clone to the left. Climb down the right ladder and lower the platform to send the clone through the door. Make your way to the left and raise and lower the platforms to follow suit into the door. Hit both buttons and walk around to the door.

Climb the ladder and turn the crank to make a walkway. Walk around to hit the button then back to the crank. Rotate it until you get in the inner ladder and climb down to the door. Enjoy the cut scene and exit the totem to end the level.

Monument Valley 2 Walkthrough Chapter 10

Enter the totem door, then maneuver it around to get on top and enter the top door. Move the totem to the blue section and rotate it around to make a bridge. Get the totem back up and enter its door.

Rotate it back to the stairs and back in the door to exit by them. Rotate the totem to the other side and walk around and cross it to enter the door. Enter the totem door and move down to get on top and move to the button.

Raise the totem with the platform. Go into the door and exit the totem to the button. Talk to the Spirit. Move the totem to the gap and climb the stairs to end the level.

Monument Valley 2 Walkthrough Chapter 11

Rotate the center platform and enter the door. Continue to turn the crank to get to the button. Once again, turn the crank to get to the button, then climb to the door. Turn the crank to enter the top left door. Lower and rotate the center platforms to get down to the door.

Climb the ladder and lower and adjust the platform to climb down the left ladder. Climb back up and adjust the center structure to make your way all the way to the top to the door. Rotate the structure and talk to the Spirit. Turn the crank to make a bridge across and down to end the level.

Monument Valley 2 Walkthrough Chapter 12

Go down to the button, then adjust the light and the tree to make your way into the door. Rotate the structure and adjust the light to the trees to walk around to the upper door.

Hit the two buttons and then adjust the tree structure to get to another button. Rotate the tree and raise and lower the platforms to enter the door to get to another button. Enter the tree door to end the level.

Monument Valley 2 Walkthrough Chapter 13

Monument Game Cheats

Rotate the yellow platforms, they’ll detach to other platforms, to walk across to the door. Lower the platform and bring the bridge over and raise it up to get to the door. Go down the stairs and rotate the yellow platform around to get to the blue square.

Detach the yellow to the bottom and rotate the block around so you’re facing down. Reattach the yellow and raise up to cross to the button. Use the same method to climb to the next level and rotate the structure to enter the door.

Adjust the level to talk to the Spirit. Walk around to the yellow curve and detach and adjust it and the rotate the large wheel by the wall to get to the button. Rotate the yellow curve to move around to end the level.

Monument Valley 2 Walkthrough Chapter 14

Monument Valley Game Cheats Level 5

Climb the steps with both characters and rotate the level to hit both the buttons with them. Continue to climb and hit the next set of buttons. They’ll cross over to opposite sides. Hit the left button then adjust the center to get to the right button.

Enter the doors. Rotate the level to hit the button. Keep rotating to get both characters into the doors. Hit the lower button then rotate the center to hit the top button. Send both through the yellow door.

Stand on both buttons to adjust the center structure to hit the lower left button, then adjust to hit the upper left button. Adjust the structure to get to the upper right button then into the doors.

Continue to adjust to get to the buttons, lower left then upper right then upper left. Send Ro to the button and climb the stairs to end the level and the game. Enjoy the cut scene and credits.

Final Advice

This concludes the walkthrough. We hope you enjoyed the game and made it through. Please feel free to share any experiences or advice with other players. Also, check out our Monument Valley walkthrough, in case you skipped the first game.