The comma glitch was the most corrupting glitch of Swords And Sandals 2: Emperor´s Reign. It allowed players to get unlimited (or, more precisely, 2500) ability points by entering a comma (,) and randomizing. It often created characters with a higher level than one in the beginning, and changing skin color when changing screens (entering arena, going to town, etc.) It also often created. This page contains Swords and Sandals 2: Emperor's Reign cheats, hints, walkthroughs and more for PC. Swords and Sandals 2: Emperor's Reign. Right now we have 4 Cheats, 4 Walkthroughs and etc for this game and every day we increase our collection with new Swords and Sandals 2: Emperor's Reign cheats If you can not find the needed cheat in our list, check this page periodically or subscribe for.

Swords And Sandals Cheats
master142 Nov 20 2019 8:50 PM 1.press 9014 to get unlimated money |
heated dog Oct 18 2019 10:24 PM THis is A Real CHeat No Scaming no Lieing First 1.Make your Name m,m, 2.click ramdomise and a suprise is waiting for you 3After you Chose your Suprise,CHage your name to anything you Like If not the CHeat Wont Work 4ENJOY P.S. It ALso Gives you invincibility and Random skills |
BenGazza Jul 24 2019 5:05 AM delete nameless put 1 comma then pres randomize 15 times for 2500 strength points |
slash's gibson Jul 2 2019 8:42 AM If you want to cheat at the name just write 'nameless,' and type randomize a few times,after you type randomize a few times you will find one man with 2500 strength points,after you find it you delete that name(nameless,)and you write your name then just start. Oh one more thing if you have 200 charisma points you can by anything with just 1 gold,but you can have 200 charisma points only if you cheat. THIS CHEAT WORK's ONLY ON FULL VERSION. |
hobomannnnn Jun 13 2019 5:55 PM do as many commas as u can and u get all NaN stats. |
slashrocks Apr 16 2019 12:47 PM 1234,536,457,12345, chose the man you like erase the comma and write your name and start good luck |
slashrocks Apr 16 2019 12:42 PM YOUTUBE comma ,SWORD comma ,AND YOUR OWN NAME comma (and if doesnt works its your foult not mine i can do this cheat) i finished all the game on www.y3.com try it |
aquajet200 Apr 11 2019 3:03 PM this is a cheat erase nameless and put 2 commas this one , that little dot then press randomize and you will get armour but if you press it 8 times it will give you 2500 agility and you can use it on other skills on the name keep name less and put 2, WRITE YOUTUBE, and keep pressing randomize adn boom a giant character and your welcome for my cheats!!!!!!!!<_< oh and i forgot press randomize 8 times |
aquajet200 Mar 20 2019 5:03 PM this is a cheat erase nameless and put 2 commas this one , that little dot then press randomize and you will get armour but if you press it 8 times it will give you 2500 agility and you can use it on other skills |
noahdagreat Jan 9 2019 3:50 PM on the name keep name less and put 2, |
omgyousuck Jan 1 2019 11:33 PM WRITE YOUTUBE, and keep pressing randomize adn boom a giant character and your welcome for my cheats!!!!!!!!<_< |
omgyousuck Jan 1 2019 11:31 PM oh and i forgot press randomize 8 times |
omgyousuck Jan 1 2019 11:30 PM ,// thats a cheat hit it 8 times and then boom 2500 agility |
S.A.SPro Aug 9 2018 3:54 PM erase your name and put in'Namless,' and you get really sweet armor and some weapons that are never avalible in the game but after put in a differant name Spartan is suggested |
Gaige Jul 19 2018 12:57 PM but make shur that you take away the comma before you start |
Gaige Jul 19 2018 12:55 PM write a name and at the end put a comma at the end and click randomize 7 times and you will have sweet amour |
sonic44844 Jul 16 2018 3:55 PM A good cheat is ,[[ and you will have good armour or go to arcadeprehacks.com to get more hacks. :) |
sas2pro Jul 3 2018 2:43 PM have your name as Namless, and you will get some of the best armor free |
pyschadelicsnake Jul 20 2017 5:27 PM put , then hit randum then put any name you want don't leave it on , it will say error |
mgf man Apr 7 2017 9:47 PM go to arcadeprehacks.com and play the hacked version |
champ375 Jan 3 2017 12:27 AM yea right stupid cheat SaSpro |
lerroj Aug 6 2014 9:54 PM Nameless , , , , , |