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Game Cheats For Xbox 360

Accomplish the indicated achievement to get the corresponding number of Gamerscore points:
Xbox 360 Video Games
- Just Getting Started (10 points): Performed a 20 hit combo.
- On a Roll (30 points): Performed a 50 hit combo.
- Emerald Knight (100 points): Cleared all missions on Emerald Knight difficulty.
- Synergy (20 points): Cleared a mission in Co-op.
- Emerald Warrior (50 points): Completed the game on poozer or enforcer difficulty.
- Demolitionist (15 points): Defeated 10 enemies with Hover Mines.
- Favorite Pastime (15 points): Defeated 10 enemies with Baseball Bat.
- Blunt Justice (15 points): Defeated 10 enemies with War Hammer.
- Shut Your Mouth (60 points): Performed a 99 hit combo.
- Master Blaster (15 points): Defeated 10 enemies with Ring Blaster.
- Distress Call (10 points): Cleared mission 4.
- Possession (10 points): Cleared mission 5.
- Central Battery (10 points): Cleared mission 3.
- Invasion (10 points): Cleared mission 1.
- Diversion (10 points): Cleared mission 2.
- Ultimate Weapon (10 points): Cleared mission 9.
- Return to Oa (10 points): Cleared mission 10.
- Hot Pursuit (10 points): Cleared mission 8.
- Corruption (10 points): Cleared mission 6.
- Biot (10 points): Cleared mission 7.
- There is Hope (40 points): Collected all 5 Blue Meteorites.
- Mogo is Proud (40 points): Collected all 9 Green Meteorites.
- Not a Poozer (80 points): Gained experience level 10.
- Get Dizzy Y'all! (20 points): Made Green Lantern dizzy 10 times.
- Rank Up (30 points): Gained experience level 5.
- Willpower (25 points): Purchased all Construct upgrades.
- Big Spender (100 points): Purchased all upgrades.
- Complete Control (25 points): Purchased all Ring Power upgrades.
- Might Makes Right (25 points): Purchased all Attack upgrades.
- Full Burn (25 points): Purchased all Ring Surge upgrades.
- Fan Favorite (15 points): Defeated 10 enemies with Rocket Punch.
- Targets Acquired (15 points): Defeated 20 enemies with Missile Pack.
- Lights Out (15 points): Defeated 10 enemies with Piston Blitz.
- All in the Wrist (15 points): Defeated 10 enemies with Blade Whip.
- Locked and Loaded (15 points): Defeated 10 enemies with Gatling Gun.
- Beware My Power! (20 points): Used Ring Surge 10 times.
- What Goes Up... (20 points): Launched 20 enemies.
- Hal Knows Jets (15 points): Defeated 20 enemies with Jet Fighter.
- Big Beat Down (15 points): Defeated 20 enemies with Mech Suit.
- Around the World (15 points): Defeated 20 enemies with Mace Storm.