Poptropica Wimpy Wonderland Salad Game Cheats

  1. Poptropica Cheats for Wimpy Wonderland FIERCE MOON Wimpy Wonderland is the newest island announced on Poptropica.It was announced on the creators official blog on March 3. Wimpy Wonderland will be available for paid members to play in Early Access on Monday, March 14.
  2. Wimpy Wonderland is the 18th island in Poptropica. It was opened to general use on March 17, 2011. Early Access was for paid monthly members was on March 14, 2011, but was extended to all players.

Released 2012 Preceded By Poptropolis Games Succeeded By Lunar Colony Wimpy Boardwalk is the 28th Island on Poptropica. 1 Items 2 Places 2.1 Boardwalk Games 3 Full Walkthrough 4 Bonus Quests 5 Characters 6 Videos 7 Trivia 8 External links Sunblock Keychain Photo Metal Detector Oily Suntan Lotion Bag of Popcorn Tokens Car Keys Flip Flops Flying Disc Lucky Rabbit's foot Himalayan Hurl Prize. Poptropica Cheats for Wimpy Wonderland Island. Enough dilly-dally. When you get on the island, Greg will be right next to you. Sit down with him, and get ready to choke down some terrible watercress salad! You'll enter ANOTHER mini-game (by now you're probably fed up with them, but hey, I didn't invent this island!) in which. Wimpy wonderland island Island Guide - Tips and Tricks! The kids in town are enjoying a snow day - all except for Greg Heffley, whose little brother Manny has gone missing! Poptropica: Wimpy Wonderland Full Walkthrough - The full walkthrough cheats for Poptropica Wimpy Wonderland Island. We show you Wimpy Wonderland on Poptropic.

Your island mission here at Wimpy Wonderland is to help Greg Heffley to find his little brother Manny on this snowy season. You can use the following guides to make it easier.

Poptropica wimpy wonderland salad game cheats free
  • When you arrived on the island, you’ll see Greg Heffley standing next to you. You’ll talk to him on what’s going on, and then he will run back to his house to find some clues for his missing young brother Manny.
  • You will follow Greg. Go inside the house and go upstairs and enter the right bedroom. Get the green Address book on the cabinet near the door.
  • Next go to the left which is Greg’s bedroom, and pick up the Page from Greg’s journal, which is on the floor near the garbage can.
  • Leave his room and go to Manny’s bedroom which is on center.
  • Go out through an open window where the snow is falling on the left.
  • Go down the roof and run left up the hill to Rowley. Talk to him and then Manny will appear on a rumble bike running past you down the hill.
  • Follow Manny on the right and go to the Main Street. Outside the Fast Mart you’ll see the rumble bike stuck on the snow below a pine tree. Go ahead and pick it up.
  • On your right, Manny is just standing so you chase after him. He will jump up on a tree and then goes down.
  • Go after him and pick up the carrot on the snow next to the destroyed snowman.
  • Run all the way to the right on the School Area where you can see Manny jumping on the windows outside the school.
  • Go to the school entrance and push the garbage can onto the left side of the see-saw.
  • Jump on the pine tree to pick up the scrap of paper with these numbers written on it: 9, 37, and 15.
  • After you get the scrap of paper, jump down off the left side that will land you on the right side of the see-saw. The garbage can will leap up in the air and will land on one of the lower rooftop of the school.
  • Jump up the rooftop beside the garbage can and push it all the way to the left till you reach the end.
  • Next, jump over the garbage can to reach the top left window where it says “Enter School”.
  • Walk a bit to the left and you’ll see Manny again in front of the lockers area. Again he will run and you will chase him downstairs and he’ll run outside.
  • Go back to left and click the locker under the School Spirit sign ( under R and I).
  • A combination lock will appear on the screen and you need to use the numbers that you found on the scrap paper: 9, 37 and 15. Just turn the lock indicated by the arrow on these numbers. You’ll find the Twisted Wizard game guide inside. Go outside.
  • Head your way back to the left and return to Greg’s house. Go inside and walk to the left where you can see Greg sitting in front of TV.
  • Give him the Twisted Wizard game guide to beat the level he’s currently playing and will tell you to return it to Rowley.
  • Leave Greg’s house and run to the left up the hill to Rowley’s home. You’ll see him on the window, he was not allowed to play outside and his Dad won’t allow you to come in. So you need to jump on the car at the garage to turn on the alarms. Then hide behind the bushes near the front door. When Rowley’s dad goes out to check it, run fast inside the open door.
  • Move to the right to Rowley’s bedroom. You’ll give him the Twisted Wizard game and will give you back his Joshie Fan Club Membership card.
  • Next, leave the place and run back down the hill to Greg Heffley’s home.
  • Walk to the left, use the Joshie Fan Club membership card to unlock the door.
  • Click on the breaker for Roddick’s room to cut off the power to his stereo system. Roddick will leave their house and you will go inside his room.
  • Go to the left and pick up the dog dish on the floor. Then exit his room and go outside the house.
  • Go inside the garage on the left side; jump up to get the leaf blower hanging on the wall. Leave the garage right after.
  • Run to the left up the hill again till you see the snowman. Put the carrot on the snowman to give it a nose. It will say ouch, well not really the snowman, the man inside it.
  • Use the leaf blower to blow the snow away and Fregley will appear. He’ll thank you and will give Frederick, his Bingo troll as a return.
  • Next, run all the way to the right till you reach the Leisure Towers.
  • Go to the right and jump up into the second tree which will leap you up to the next floor. You’ll be on a window with a GO UP sign.
  • Go up from there and climb up outside the building. You need to jump on the window sills while dodging the old people who open up the windows. If you get caught on an open window, you’ll bounce off making you fall. You need to be on top right window with number 33C. Go inside this window.
  • Click on the old man in the chair to wake him up. This is Gregory’s grandpa, you ask him where is Manny but he will just tell you if you eat salad with him.
  • Salad game-you have to continuously click your mouse very fast to eat the salad while grandpa tells boring stories. You need to empty the salad bowl and make your tummy full.
  • After winning the game, grandpa will tell you that he saw Manny on the Leisure Tower security camera and you’ll see Manny riding on a scooter outside.
  • Walk to the right and exit grandpa’s room. Now, walk to the left and use the elevator. Press the button for the L-obby.
  • Next walk to the left and leave the building. Then run to the right till you get on Whirley Street. You’ll encounter the notorious Whirley street kids; they will throw snowballs towards you. You don’t need to fight them; you just need to get the snow shovel which is a few steps on the right. So keep moving and jumping to avoid the snowballs to reach it.
  • After you get it, leave the place and head back all the way to the left till you reach the QUIK-SPIN LAUNDROMAT.
  • Walk a bit further to the left up to Gramma’s house. Stand on the driveway and use your snow shovel to start the snow shoveling game.
  • This game is very easy. You just need to pick up the snow and then drop it on the right side. You must remove all snow from the driveway before your body temperature gets too cold.
  • Once you clear the driveway, Gramma will leave using her car to go to Leisure Towers to play Bingo.
  • Follow her and return to Leisure towers.
  • Go inside the building and from lobby go to the room at the right side where Speed Bingo is being played.
  • Sit on the empty spot at the table and use your Bingo troll on your backpack which you can use as your bingo blotter.
  • This game is just like your usual bingo game; just use your blotter to mark the numbers on all of your three cards that matches on the numbers rolling across the top.
  • When you win the game, your prize will be the Soothing sounds classical music CD.
  • Go left and exit the building.
  • Head back to the left till you reach Fast Mart.
  • Enter the store and use your music CD. Then click on the music player on the wall and put the volume on its maximum level. This will make the kids hanging outside go away.
  • You’ll receive a bottle of No-Freez wiper fluid from the store owner as a reward.
  • Leave the store and run back to the right up to the school area and go over the guy in front of a snow plow.
  • Use your No-Freez wiper fluid to start the puzzle game.
  • Again this game is so easy. You need to end up with exactly 4 liters of wiper fluid using your 10 liter bottle, a 5 liter cup and a 3 liter dog dish.
  • Click on your 10 liter bottle wiper fluid and pour 3 liters of it on the dog dish.
  • Next empty the dog dish by transferring the fluid on the 5 liter cup.
  • Again, fill the 3 liter dog dish with the fluid, leaving exactly 4 liters in the bottle (10-3=7 and 7-3=4).
  • The snow plow driver will go to the convenience store to buy some coffee.
  • Go to the left and return to Surrey Street up to Heffley’s house.
  • Go inside, walk to the right and open the curtains behind Greg who’s playing video games.
  • He’ll stop playing and say that Manny was probably looking for his blanket, Tingy.
  • When you go outside the house, you’ll see Manny driving the snow plow.
  • Follow Manny and you’ll see the snow plow stop on the Laundromat. Go inside.
  • Walk to the left and you’ll see Manny sitting in front of a change machine next to Tingy, his blanket.
  • Click on him and Greg will appear.
  • Greg will tell you that the three of you must go home before his mom gets home from work.
  • On your way to Heffley’s house, the Whirley street kids throws snowball again to both of you.
  • You need to help Greg push the giant snowball next to him to make it roll down and knock over all of the Whirley Street kids.
  • Next, you’ll sled with Greg to get back to their house. The stubborn Whirley street kids still throws snowball on your way.
  • Both of you can get back at home in time. Greg’s mom will be happy that she says that she can trust Greg to keep an eye on his little brother. Greg then will be thankful to you and will give the island medallion for helping him find his brother Manny.
Poptropica Wimpy Wonderland Salad Game CheatsGame

Wimpy Wonderland Poptropica

Island mission Accomplished!!!